CSAE Tanzania RPED TMES Data
This data is made available by the Centre for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford. Permission for use of the data for academic research is given by the Centre. We ask that the use of the data, its sources, and the financing for the surveys be acknowledged.
Dataset, Documentation, Programs, and Publications This is a comprehensive panel data set on a sample of firms within the Tanzanian manufacturing sector. This data was collected over the period 1993 to 1995 in a series of three annual surveys, referred to here as Waves I – III, as part of the Regional Program on Enterprise Development (RPED) organised by the World Bank and funded by bilateral donor governments. The data was collected by a team from the Helsinki School of Economics, in collaboration with the Tanzanian Confederation of Industries and the University of Dar es Salaam.
A fourth wave of the Tanzania Manufacturing Enterprise Survey (TMES) was conducted in late 1999, involving a team of researchers from CSAE and the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) in Dar es Salaam. This succeeded in revisiting 89 of the remaining RPED firms (see below) and interviewing an additional 103 replacement firms. Firm-level production and accounts data was obtained for 1996, 1997 and 1998, thus giving a maximum number of six observations per firm over the four waves of the survey. This dataset is directly comparable to and can be linked with Waves 1-3 of the RPED available above.
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This data was originally collected by a team from the Helsinki School of Economics, in conjunction with the Tanzanian Confederation of Industries and the University of Dar es Salaam. The surveys were undertaken as part of the Regional Program on Enterprise Development (RPED) organised by the Africa Technical Department of the World Bank.
We are particularly grateful to Xavier Blanc from Helsinki for making the data available for CSAE researchers in January 1999, in preparation for Wave 4 of the Tanzanian Manufacturing Enterprise Survey undertaken in late 1999 (see separate dataset and documentation also on the CSAE website). This data has been cleaned and analysed as part of an ongoing CSAE research project into manufacturing sector performance in Tanzania and Ghana funded by the Department for International Development (DFID).
Selected Bibliography
Blanc, Xavier (1997), “Industrial Change under Structural Adjustment: Tanzania 1993-1996”, Wave 3 Report, Helsinki School of Economics, February 1997.
Harding, Alan and Francis Teal (1999), “Tanzanian Manufacturing Sector Performance in a Comparative Perspective 1992-95”, CSAE Report, University of Oxford, October 1999.
Harding, Alan and Francis Teal (2000), “Firm Survival, Growth and Productivity: Tanzanian Manufacturing in the 1990’s”, mimeo, CSAE, University of Oxford, October 2000.
Helsinki School of Economics (1995), “Dynamics of Enterprise Development in Tanzania: Final Report on the Round 2 Survey Data”, Helsinki, July 1995.
Ndulu, Benno and Joseph Semboja (1992), "Trade and Industrialisation in Tanzania: A Review of Experience and Issues," in Trade Policy, Industrialization and Development: New Perspectives, G. K. Helleiner ed., Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 515-53.
Wangwe, Samuel, F. Musonda and J. Kweka (1997), “Policies for Manufacturing Competitiveness: The Case of Tanzania”, Working Paper, Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), Dar es Salaam.
Tanzania RPED Readme: PDF file (19pp, 260KB)
Please read this documentation before trying to download and use the data.
Data and Programs
The raw data, programs, additional files, and a copy of the documentation, are all available for download in one compressed zip archive: Data, docs and programs (zip archive, 2,731kB)
The master questionnaires are available as PDF files scanned in from the originals
This survey was undertaken by CSAE researchers, in close collaboration with the Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF) in Dar es Salaam. Significant support and additional data were also obtained from the Tanzanian Bureau of Statistics. The Wave 4 survey is a follow up to three annual surveys undertaken in Tanzania between 1993-96 as part of the Regional Program on Enterprise Development (RPED) organised by the Africa Technical Department of the World Bank (see separate dataset and documentation also on CSAE website). This dataset forms part of an ongoing CSAE research project into manufacturing sector performance in Tanzania and Ghana funded by the Department for International Development (DFID) whose support is gratefully acknowledged
Tanzania TMES Wave 4 Readme: PDF file (16pp, 231KB)
Please read this documentation before trying to download and use the data.
Tanzania TMES Wave 4 Main questionnaire: PDF file (44pp, 1.8MB)
Tanzania TMES Wave 4 Workers questionnaire: PDF file (15pp, 1.05MB)
Data and Programs
The raw data, programs, and additional files are available for download in one compressed zip archive: Data, docs and programs (zip archive, 2,731kB)