This data is made available by the Centre for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford.
Permission for use of the data for academic research is given by the Centre.
We would ask that the use of the data, its sources, and the financing for the surveys be acknowledged.
This data was funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) as part of the Improving Institutions for Pro-Poor Growth (iiG), a research consortium aimed at studying how to improve institutions in Africa and South-Asia. Any views expressed are not necessarily those of DFID. Thanks are due to the staff members of the Steadman group with whom we conducted our surveys.
Two surveys were undertaken, one just two weeks before the December 2007 general elections and a second one reinterviewing previous respondents in August of 2008. The pre-election survey asked about voter intentions, vote-buying, intimidation and violence activities among other themes. The data are based on a nationally representative survey. The post-election survey revisited previous respondents to find out about their experiences in the aftermath of the election, their expectations from the new coalition government and whether their views had changed regarding trust among Kenyans, 4 democracy, rule of law, among other issues. The surveys provide a unique opportunity to explore how political perceptions changed in the aftermath of the elections and how our respondents were affected by violence and other non-democratic practices. Information was also collected on the poverty at constituency level ahead of the elections and earlier.